Code Challenge Tutorials
Whether you’re new to coding, new to JavaScript, or experienced and just seeking a refresher, we’ve rolled up some written and video resources for all the core coding concepts you’ll need to know to complete our admissions code challenge! Go through the materials at your own pace and as you see fit. We recommend going through these in the order listed, but you can hop around if you prefer. Let us know any questions, and we hope you have fun learning! [ When you are done with the course, access code challenge here ]
Lesson 0: Laying the Foundation
Lesson 1: Variables
Lesson 1: An Introduction to Variables
Learning the basics of variables is an essential step in programming! Variables act as containers for storing and managing data in a program. They have names, data types, and values. By assigning values to variables, you can store information like numbers, text, or boolean values. Understanding how to declare, assign, and use variables provides the foundation for manipulating data and solving problems in coding.
Lesson 1: Variables Video
Here is an optional overview of variables you can watch if you learn well through video tutorials!
Lesson 2: Functions
Lesson 2: All About Functions
Functions in programming are like reusable tools that perform specific tasks. By encapsulating a series of instructions, functions enhance code organization and reusability. They take input, process it, and produce an output. With parameters and return values, functions enable modular and efficient coding practices, making it easier to manage complexity and create scalable programs
Lesson 2: Functions Video
Here’s a video you can watch to better understand Functons!
Lesson 3: Conditional Statements (aka Flow Control)
All About Conditionals
Conditionals in programming act as decision-makers, allowing your code to behave differently based on specified conditions. With if statements, you can execute code blocks when a condition is true, and with else statements, handle alternative scenarios when the condition is false. Conditionals provide the logic needed to create dynamic and responsive programs, making them a fundamental tool for controlling the flow of your code.
Lesson 3: Flow Control Video
Here’s a video to help you learn about flow control!
Lesson 4: Strings
Lesson 4: All About Strings
Working with strings in programming involves manipulating and analyzing text. Whether it's finding specific patterns, extracting information, or modifying content, strings are versatile. Understanding how to navigate and manipulate strings is essential for handling textual data effectively in your code.
Lesson 4: Strings Video
Lesson 5: Loops
Lesson 5: All About Loops
Delving into the realm of for loops opens up a world of efficient and structured iteration in programming. With three essential components – initialization, condition, and iteration statement – for loops enable you to repeat specific code blocks as many times as needed.
Lesson 5: Loops Video
Check out this video to learn about Loops!